My bike came with an 11-28 cassette and it seemed fine to me, never really paid much attention to the numbers. I just figured bigger one is easier smaller one is harder, let’s ride! Well, for sometime now I’ve noticed that when I would shift from the middle of the cassette up I would lose quite a bit of speed/power. At one point I even thought I was skipping over a gear and would take a look down to see what was going on. It is kind of a weird feeling when you shift from what seems like just a little too much effort in the legs to quickly spinning crazy fast and losing speed. I took a look at my old bike and noticed that I had a 12-25 cassette on that one and that bike always felt pretty good shifting through the gears.
I ordered up a 11-25 and put it on the bike last night before my morning ride. I can say that it made a big difference and the shifting is more smooth, my legs don’t spin out of control when I shift up from 19 to 21 or 21 to 23. Granted this won’t make me faster, but it should help keep my cadence more even when going through the gears.
In other gear news, I checked with Quarq yesterday on my order and the new crank with the power meter should be in next week. Looking forward to riding with power outside to keep my effort at a more steady pace. Many times I don’t realize I’m pushing as hard as I am until my heart rate goes way up and by then it is too late. That is something I really want to try to avoid on the long rides and at Ironman.
Today was another active recovery ride, so not much to report on there.
Weight: 166.6