Ironman Lake Placid

Can we get some more snow please?

This morning was a run day. I was seriously contemplating getting on the treadmill this morning when I looked at the temperature in my truck and it read 2 degrees. Thinking about how cold it was and how there isn’t much room to run because the sidewalks are not always cleared I was setting myself up to stay inside. I got to the Y though and figured it was only a 5 mile run, so I threw on my Yaktrax and went out. I’m pretty sure that at some point there was frost building up on my eye lashes and my face was pretty much frozen. I have to remember to bring a mask or something for a little more face protection when it is that cold, at least my ears were under my hat. Also had hand warmers to keep my fingers warm and they actually got kind of hot in my gloves. After the first mile I found a rythm and everything was fine, but that first mile in the cold really shocks the system! Here are the the results

Apparently there is more snow on the way later today into tomorrow. This really is not helping with the outdoor running! Back indoors on the CompuTrainer tomorrow 🙂

Weight: 170

Ironman Lake Placid

The Big Snow

Yesterday we had a big snow storm come through and drop 20 inches of snow. That put a little kink in my workout plans. I had planned on running, but when I woke up there was already a foot of snow on the ground and none of the plows had gone by. My workout ended up being blowing snow and shoveling. I probably spent over 3 hours cleaning up the driveway between the three or four times I was out there. Never did get out for that run.

This morning I had no excuse though as the CompuTrainer sits down in the garage, so I was down there at 4:45 this morning for my Tempo ride. I was able to hold 215 watts for an hour and felt good the entire time. That was followed up by a 15 minute cooldown.

Weight: 168.6

Snow Storm
Snow Storm