Ironman Lake Placid

I’m starting to really like long intervals

Thursday morning means either a tempo ride or long intervals depending on what the program calls for. Today it was long intervals. Two 20 minute intervals at 98% of CP30 score. Essentially it is like doing the CP30 test for 20 minutes taking a break for 10 minutes and then continuing on for another 20 min. As you near the end of that second interval I can really feel my legs starting to burn, but I also know that I’m going to be able to finish, I just feel like I have enough. My average heart rate for the ride was 150, but for the intervals it stayed pretty steady between 160-166. Definitely a good solid workout, days like these I feel like I’m making progress toward becoming a faster cyclist. We’ll see!

Week 13 Session 2 Chart

Weight: 165.6

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