Ironman Lake Placid

New tires and Intervals

Put new tires on the bike the other night and jumped on the trainer this morning. Apparently there is some coating on new tires that came off on the trainer wheel. Had to stop 3 minutes into the ride to clean it off, everything was good after that. I’m glad it started making the funny noise before I made it into the interval sets. It would have really sucked to have stop then and restart.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Late day trainer ride

Decided to sleep in this morning and do my ride after work. I should have got up and did it in the morning. By the time I get home from work I never feel like doing anything like that, but I went and got it done. Felt pretty good really once I got warmed up and going. I was really kind of hoping that it wasn’t raining and dry so I could go out on the road. Oh well, maybe Thursday.

Weight: 165.2

Ironman Lake Placid

More Long Intervals

Yep, just another Thursday morning on the CompuTrainer. Today was the same workout as last thursday. Two 20 minute intervals at 98% of FTP with 5 minutes of recovery. Heart rate ranged from 155-158 for the first one and from 157-163 for the second one. Each recovery my heart rate went back down to mid 130s.

It’s looking like a nice day to be outside on the bike! 60s and sunny, too bad it isn’t like that at 5am!!!!

Weight: 164.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Getting warm in the garage

Spent another Tuesday morning in the garage on the CompuTrainer. This session was another set of short intervals. I felt pretty good this morning, heart rate was going between 160-163 for the last few minutes of each interval and would quickly recover to 130s before the next interval. Intervals were 6 minutes long, so not too bad, but the last couple the legs were starting to really feel it.

Still kind of debating whether to keep training on the CompuTrainer during the week or to try to get outside. The CompuTrainer is nice because I can start early, if I go out, it is still dark of 5am. I don’t mind running in the dark, but riding in the dark doesn’t sound too appealing to me.

Weight: 163.8

Ironman Lake Placid

Back to Intervals

After a nice relaxing active recovery week last week it is back to killing my legs with short hard intervals. The next 4 weeks training has been set with the results of the CP30 test I did Saturday morning. This first session is supposed to be at 108% effort of the CP30 score, but because my legs are still sore from the half-marathon on Sunday so I setup the workout to 104%. There were 6 intervals of 6 minutes each with a 3 minute rest in between. The first one always seems so easy, after that they all seem to be the longest 6 minutes of my life. Definitely a killer workout.

Week 16 Session 1

Weight: 166

Ironman Lake Placid

More long Intervals

This morning was another good Session 2 workout. My heart rate slowly made it’s way up to just below 160 for the first 20 minute interval and was pretty much at 160 for the entire second interval. My legs felt pretty good this morning starting out. I noticed that if I make an effort to get my cadence up high right away it is easier to maintain rather than starting out at a lower cadence during the warmup and then trying to rasise it. My average cadence for the ride was 92 and that felt comfortable.


Week 14 Session 2 Chart

Weight: 166.4

Ironman Lake Placid

More Intervals

It’s tuesday again, and that means more intervals on the CompuTrainer. Not just intervals, but short high intensity intervals that suck the life out of you. I did ok until that last interval, I just didn’t have anything left in my legs at that point. The beginning of the workout felt pretty good, each interval I could see my heart rate climbing and the second to last it really got up there, but I made it through. Then the last interval, not sure if I just wasn’t mentally ready or my legs were just done. It is about an hour into the ride so I just may have had nothing left. It was better than last week where I only made it to through 3 intervals before my legs had nothing.

Week 14 Session 1 Chart

Weight: 167.8

Ironman Lake Placid

I’m starting to really like long intervals

Thursday morning means either a tempo ride or long intervals depending on what the program calls for. Today it was long intervals. Two 20 minute intervals at 98% of CP30 score. Essentially it is like doing the CP30 test for 20 minutes taking a break for 10 minutes and then continuing on for another 20 min. As you near the end of that second interval I can really feel my legs starting to burn, but I also know that I’m going to be able to finish, I just feel like I have enough. My average heart rate for the ride was 150, but for the intervals it stayed pretty steady between 160-166. Definitely a good solid workout, days like these I feel like I’m making progress toward becoming a faster cyclist. We’ll see!

Week 13 Session 2 Chart

Weight: 165.6

Ironman Lake Placid

Another tough day on the CompuTrainer

Just like last week, couldn’t make it through all of the intervals. The program called for me to increase the watts to on the intervals, so I did. I managed to get through the first 3, but then had to rest twice in each of the next 3. Looking at the program it says that this first session should be done on 72 hours rest, of course I think this is designed strictly for a cyclist and not a triathlete. I wish I could get an extra day after the long endurance ride but it just doesn’t fit into the schedule that way. Sunday is the long ride and fortunately monday is a swim day so the legs do get a rest as I don’t kick much when I swim, but my legs still were feeling tired from the 3 hour ride and 15 minute run on Sunday. I tried keeping the cadence high but at 272 watts, I could only do that for so long. I’ll just keep working at it and we’ll see when the next CP30 test comes if there has been any imporovement.

Week 13 Session 1

Weight: 165.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Long Intervals shorter break

This morning long Intervals were similar to the ones I did last thursday, with the exception that the break in between the two long intervals was only 5 minutes instead of 10 minutes. Session 2 is definitely easier than Session 1 each week, but not by much. My heart rate for the second interval seemed to be above 160 for the entire time and closer to 165.  Definitely a good hard workout.

Week 12 Session 2 Results
Week 12 Session 2

Weight: 165.6