Ironman Lake Placid

Another long run done

Headed out at 5am this morning while it was still nice and cool out. The next couple of days are supposed to be in the 90s so I was pretty happy to get out while it was still in the 60s this morning. Instead of driving over to the pond and running from there I just ran from my house. It’s about the same distance and saves me from having to do an out and back off of the main loop I’m doing. The hard part about doing it this way is that the big hill is now at mile 10 instead of mile 1.

The other reason I started from home was that I figured it would give the rest of the Tri group that was swimming this morning time to swim and then I would see them on their run afterward. Well, turns out they were doing a lot of talking so I ended up having to run to the beach to actually see what the hold up was! I guess I’ll have to run slower next time.

Weight: 163

Ironman Lake Placid

Tuesday morning TT

Did my 20 mile Time Trial again this morning. Have been looking forward to it since last week. It was much cooler this morning than last Tuesday so I wasn’t sure I was going be as fast as last week. I was more interested in seeing the average watts for the ride. That would tell me if I worked as hard as last week regardless of the weather conditions. Happy to say that I increased the my average Watts by 7 from last week.

Overall I average just over 20 mph at 20.1 for the ride. At the 10 mile point I was right at 20.1 and was able to maintain that for the ride back. I think the first 10 miles of my ride is a little more erratic than the second 10 miles, with more high and low speeds. On the way back I think I maintain a steadier pace with the exception of the Main st. hill. Cadence was good today too, averaged 95 and the felt good. When I keep the Cadence high like that I don’t feel like my legs get tired or heavy.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Tired day at the pond

Got up early this morning and was feeling pretty tired and decided it was going to be a swim only day. I managed to keep up with Jan on only 1 of the 4 legs of the swim this morning. Hopefully a good night sleep and I’ll be back on track for the bike ride in the morning.

Weight: 163.8

Ironman Lake Placid

Lot of hours

Just wrapped up the weekend with a 91 mile 5 hour ride. That is the longest ride so far and for the week 14 hour and 35 minutes is the most training I have done. Now that I can get to the pond in the early morning to swim and then run from there it makes it easy to add a couple more hours to the weeks training. The fact that a lot of it is swimming is nice, because I enjoy swimming and it feels pretty easy. Except when I’m chasing after faster swimmers 🙁 I even managed to get a double in on Saturday my usual day off this week.

Stiles Pond
Stiles Pond Sunrise

Nutrition for the ride:
120 oz. Ironman Perform
EFS Liquid Shot
Honey Stinger Waffle 2
Saltstick tab

Per Hour Totals:
Calories: 354
Sodium: 335
Potassium: 80
Chloride: 190
Magnesium: 26
Calcium: 34
Electrolytes: 1020

Weight: 163.4

Ironman Lake Placid


Weight: 163.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Lot of hours

Wrapped up this weekend with a 91 mile 5 hour ride. The longest ride of the year and the most hours training so far for a week. This week I put in 14 hours and 35 minutes of training. I think most of that big jump has come because I’m now swimming doubles at the pond and running from the pond. That gets me an extra hour of workout time for Monday and Friday. This week there was no day off because Saturday I was also at the pond and did a double. I would still kind of consider Saturday a day off though because I took it easy on the swim.



Weight: 163.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Whatever happened to easy Friday?

I was looking forward to a nice swim at the pond and a slow jog afterward. What I got was Jan kicking my ass across the pond for two crossings. One of these days I will remember to wear my watch, I’m pretty sure we are making a one way crossing in 15 minutes. I had hoped that Mike was going to jog with me after the swim this morning but he had already run yesterday so I went off on my own and decided to push hard since I had already pushed hard in the swim, might as well finish off the workout the same way. The run was hard, but I was glad I did it afterward. Managed to do negative splits for the 5 miles starting out under 8 min/mile and finishing under 7 min/mile.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Great sunrise today

Well, the plan was to swim at the pond and then go for an easy bike ride. Only part of the plan worked out. George never showed up to swim and there was no one else there until almost 5:45 and that was a little too late for me to get in a crossing and bike. Mark M. showed up on time at 6:00 and we did the Tour De Boxford pretty much riding all over town. It was a good recovery ride for almost an hour and a half. I think it is the perfect ride to let my legs recover after the long run and the hard bike the day before. In the past I would have pushed it again on a day like today and probably would have ended up getting injured or be so sore that I wouldn’t be able to workout effeciently tomorrow. It is a tough balance trying to figure out when to let my body recover and when to push it.

Weight: 164

Ironman Lake Placid

Missed the sunrise by minutes!!

Did my long run from the pond this morning. Brought my camera along to take a few photos of the sunrise. Didn’t end up getting one because it seemed cloudy and didn’t look like the sun was going to show. Headed out on the run and just as I crest the first hill, there is the big ball of fire in the sky. Guess I will have to try again on Friday morning.

The run itself was good, not very fast, but this course has a few more rollers than the flats of Danvers.

Weight: 163

Ironman Lake Placid

Tuesday Time Trial

Outside on the roads this morning. The weather is finally starting to cooperate a little bit. I think only two cars passed me over the course of an hour ride. One of the nice things about riding through Boxford. Had an ok ride this morning, I was hoping to go a little faster than I did, but just didn’t have the legs. Maybe the long ride on sunday finally caught up to me. Most likely it was just the large waffle cone of Cherry Vanilla Chip that did me in.

I’ve done this ride plenty of times in the past and used to be able to do it in under an hour, of course that was almost 10 years ago, so being off by a minute or two isn’t too bad. Hopefully I will get there by the end of the summer.

Weight: 166