Ironman Lake Placid

Treadmill again

Another day on the treadmill, nothing really exciting to report. I spent an hour on it and did about 7.4 miles. My heart rate stayed around 145 for the run. One interesting thing I noticed was that when I walk to cool down my heart rate drops to about 105. That is about 15bpm less than it used to be when I would stop and walk after a run.

Weight: 166.5

Ironman Lake Placid

CompuTrainer Week 11 Session 1

After my recent CP30 testing I figured that the new interval sessions would be great. Everything was calibrated correctly, I should be able to power through these workouts, no more failing in the middle of the tough intervals. Well, good news and bad news. Bad news, I only made it through three of the 6 intervals before my legs just gave out. The good news, I finally figured out what my problem might be! After the workout I was analyzing the data and I happend to notice that it said my weight was 170, close enough right? Well, on the 3D software I have been putting in my weight plus the bike weight which comes in at 200. So I have been doing my interval training with 30 less lbs, which means I had to increase my effort in order to get to the same power numbers.  So to be consist I will change the weight to 200 for thursdays interval session and see how that goes. Hopefully the new RacerOne software will be more clear about rider weight and bike weight.

Weight: 167.6

Ironman Lake Placid

Monday swim workout

Had a good swim workout this morning. Usually the first time through the main set I do well and then I just fall apart and can never seem to catch my breath. Today, though, was different and I felt stronger at the end. Maybe my swimming is getting better, I hope so. I did do some of the other strokes today where normally I just swim free. I really need to work on those more.

500 warmup
400 pull
200 kick
400 pull
200 free
400 4×100
200 4×50
400 pull
200 free
400 4×100
200 4×50
400 16×25
100 4×25 underwaters

Total: 4000 yards

Weight: 169

Ironman Lake Placid

Good swim workout

Had a good swim workout today. I was in early and got in a few extra yards during the warmup and managed to keep up for the pull. I liked the workout today because the distances were a little shorter than we do some other times so it was kind of like sprinting and I think we had a little more rest in between. As usual the workout is below.

700 – warmup
400 – pull
200 – kick
500 – 4 x 125
400 – 4 x 100
200 – 4 x 50
500 – 4 x 125
400 – 4 x 100
200 – 4 x 50
Total: 3500 yards

Weight: 168.5

Ironman Lake Placid

Easy CompuTrainer Ride

This morning was another easy CompuTrainer ride. The idea for this week is to make sure that my legs are recovered enough for the Critical Power test coming on saturday. Worked up a little bit of a sweat, but not too much, as my heart rate averaged 129 and maxed out at 139. I kept the cadence right at 90. The one thing I did focus on today was my spinscan numbers. I tried to keep that up in the 70s as much as possible, because most of the time mine is in the low 60s. I average 69 for the ride, a personal best, but I still need lots of work because I have to think about it too much.

Weight: 169

Ironman Lake Placid

Yup, Treadmill again

Spent another hour on the treadmill this morning. I don’t know if there is anything more boring. Running on the treadmill for an hour feels like running outside for an hour and a half to me. There are four TVs on the wall where I run and the are tuned to all the various news stations. Unfortunately they all repeat the news every 10 minutes so I ended up watching everything 6 times!!!! I definitely have to get out on the road at some point this weekend. The Great Bay Half-marathon is coming up in early April so I have to start getting my long outside runs back in, hopefully we will get some warmer weather and melt some of the snow and ice on the sidewalks by the gym.

Weight: 169

Ironman Lake Placid

Recovery Ride

This week is all about recovery for the Critical Power test this weekend. Today I did 45 minutes on the CompuTrainer, keeping the cadence up and heart rate down. Pretty much just spinning my legs, hopefully getting some blood flowing through them. Average heart rate was 130, average cadence was 93 and power was 158. My legs have been a little sore the past week, especially my calves, so I’m hoping this mornings ride and the one on Thursday will help them recovery sufficiently for the test on Saturday.

Speaking of sore, the rest of my body is feeling it from the workout in the weight room yesterday morning. I definitely have to keep that up so I don’t get so sore and I don’t lose muscle mass while I bring my weight down.

Weight: 169

Ironman Lake Placid

Vacation Day

I had the day off from work today and since Mackenzie didn’t have school I didn’t have to rush home to get her on the bus I had some extra time. I went to the Danvers Y this morning, and they open at 5:30 but the pool doesn’t open until 6:00. While I waited for the pool to open I headed down to the weight room and did some lifting. I think I need to head down there more often, I’m going to feel it tomorrow. Once the pool opened I did 3250 yards in about 50 minutes. I was the only one in the pool, I think because most people didn’t realize that St. John’s Prep is no longer using the pool until the fall. After the swim it was down to the treadmill, did I mention it was snowing out this morning? Anyway, did 5 miles on the treadmill and called it a day.

Weight: 165.25

Ironman Lake Placid

Looking for warm weather

Spent 2 hours and 45 minutes on the CompuTrainer today. That’s just about 48 miles for me on the Lake Placid RCV. The only nice thing about being inside is being able to fuel easier. I can see I’ll have to get a water bottle holder for behind my seat to refill my main hydration system. That or I will have to get a CamelBak. I only had two water bottles today so I will need to have a 3rd next time to keep the fluids up. Also had a couple of Hammer Gels and will need to start eating more as the time on the Trainer heads up over 3 hours. As much as I want to ride outside I think it is still going to be a while as there is still plenty of ice, snow, salt and sand on the roads.

Weight: 165.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Friday Swim

You never know what kind of day you are going to get on a Friday at the pool. Sometimes it is kinda slow and people drift in and then there are days like today, when people are ready to go. I also got a reminder of just how slow of a swimmer I am today when one of the fastests swimmers in the area jumped into my lane half way through the workout. Now I know what a real swimmer looks like.

600 – warmup
400 – pull
300 – kick
– Main set 4 times –
200 on 3:30
200 – 100×2 on 1:30
200 – 50×4 on 45
– Main set –
Total: 3700 yards 

Weight: 167.5