Ironman Lake Placid

Swim and Bike (long and short)

Long day today, but a fun day. Started out with an easy 3000 in the pool. Just a straight forward swim alternating pulling and free every 500 yards. Just about 45 minutes to do the swim and felt pretty good.

Then it was off to bike at 10am. Wasn’t really sure how far we were going to be going and didn’t have any idea of the route, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dropped. Before the ride even really got going I had 10 miles in so I knew I was going to be racking up some miles so I just stay in the middle of the pack for most of the ride. Once and a while my buddy Mike was dropped on the hills so I’d wait to make sure he knew which way we were headed. Took a little bit of work to catch up to the group after that, but they would wait up once they realized we were off the back. The best part of the ride was stopping at Abe’s in Newburyport for a bagel. Too bad I can’t do that in the Ironman!! We ended up getting in a little over 50 miles.

Then a couple hours after that Julie wanted to ride. My legs were feeling a litte tired by the time she showed up. Starting out was tough, but my legs actually loosened up about 5 miles into the ride. It was a short ride though, more like a time trial. We did 19.1 mph, so felt good about that.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Long Time Short Run

Went for a short run with Julie today. She is still in recovery mode after her impressive Boston Marathon performance.

Julie Marathon Time

Did a short 5 miles at a pretty easy pace to try and loosen up her legs. No rest for the weary! IMLP is only 94 days away!

Weight: 164.25

Ironman Lake Placid

Late day trainer ride

Decided to sleep in this morning and do my ride after work. I should have got up and did it in the morning. By the time I get home from work I never feel like doing anything like that, but I went and got it done. Felt pretty good really once I got warmed up and going. I was really kind of hoping that it wasn’t raining and dry so I could go out on the road. Oh well, maybe Thursday.

Weight: 165.2

Ironman Lake Placid

Swim (rest day) Monday

After two day of riding in the wind the legs needed some rest so it was off to the pool this morning.

500 warmup
800 pull
200 1×100 on 1:30 1X100 easy
300 2×100 on 1:30 1×100 easy
400 3×100 on 1:30 1×100 easy
500 4×100 on 1:30 1×100 easy
600 3×200 pull
Total: 3400 yards

Weight: 164

Ironman Lake Placid

Sunday Ride

This was just one of those rides…. Some rain, flat tire, dropped chain, wind, some more wind. Then it actually got better. We must have beeen riding into the wind for most of the ride, because once we got about 8 or 9 miles from getting back we were clicking off miles at a pace of 19 and 20 mph, even hitting 21 for one of them.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Friday Run and Saturday Ride

Yesterday afternoon the weather was so nice, I went out for a run, did just under 10 miles.

The usual Sunday ride was moved up to this morning because we are expecting rain for tomorrow morning, may still go out tomorrow afternoon for another ride, depends on the weather. Very windy out there today, 16 mph gusts according to the weather channel and pretty chilly. Not exactly a nice day for a ride, I would have rather it been warm and been lost out there like last week over cold and windy and knowing where I was. Fell on the bike today, well, fell over in the driveway. This is the second time now, maybe I should go get some bicycling 101 lessons!

At least I remembered to calibrate the power meter this weekend before the ride. Averaged about 200 Watts for the ride with an average speed of 17.4 which feels about right because of the wind. I think normally that power output would have put me in the 18mph range.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Conflicting water temp reports

You know it’s getting close to pond season when everyone shows up to the pool reporting the water temp. This morning there were reports of 45 degrees and 48 degrees. StillĀ a little too chilly. It also seems like most of the pond swimmers are becoming more steady in the morning to get ready for pond season. Most of the year they were hardly ever showing up and now they are showing up on a consistent basis, guess no one wants to be left behind crossing the pond.

500 warmup
800 pull
600 4×25, 4×50, 1×200, 1×100
600 4×25, 4×50, 1×200, 1×100
600 4×25, 4×50, 1×200, 1×100
600 pull – cooldown
Total: 3700 yards

Weight: 163.75

Ironman Lake Placid

More Long Intervals

Yep, just another Thursday morning on the CompuTrainer. Today was the same workout as last thursday. Two 20 minute intervals at 98% of FTP with 5 minutes of recovery. Heart rate ranged from 155-158 for the first one and from 157-163 for the second one. Each recovery my heart rate went back down to mid 130s.

It’s looking like a nice day to be outside on the bike! 60s and sunny, too bad it isn’t like that at 5am!!!!

Weight: 164.4

Ironman Lake Placid

Cold and miserable

Cold and miserable, pretty much describes my run this morning. Going out I didn’t think it was going to be too bad because it just seemed to be raining lightly on the drive to the gym. Once I got out on the road though, the wind was driving it right at me and along with the cold, it just sucked. On the way back someone driving a car decided that I wasn’t wet or cold enough so I got a wave of water thrown at me as the car went through a puddle on the street. I saw it coming and just couldn’t get far enough away. Up until that point my feet were feeling ok, but after that they were just soaked. That’s when I decided to cut the run short. I hate runnning when my feet squish.

Weight: 164

Ironman Lake Placid

Getting warm in the garage

Spent another Tuesday morning in the garage on the CompuTrainer. This session was another set of short intervals. I felt pretty good this morning, heart rate was going between 160-163 for the last few minutes of each interval and would quickly recover to 130s before the next interval. Intervals were 6 minutes long, so not too bad, but the last couple the legs were starting to really feel it.

Still kind of debating whether to keep training on the CompuTrainer during the week or to try to get outside. The CompuTrainer is nice because I can start early, if I go out, it is still dark of 5am. I don’t mind running in the dark, but riding in the dark doesn’t sound too appealing to me.

Weight: 163.8