Ironman Lake Placid

Finally a long run

I have been planning to make wednesday my long run day, but up until today it just hasn’t happened for one reason or another. Today though, I made was able to get 10 miles in. I think if I’m going to go longer than that I will have to have Gatorade or something at the car and make the loops longer. I did two 5 mile loops this morning and just basically tried to keep my heart rate under 150 the entire time. I did ok at keeping it down, the averages were alway under 150, so that was good.

Weight: 164.5

Ironman Lake Placid

Run and Swim

Changed things up a little bit today. Instead of going and swimming at the Andover Y at 5:30 I went down to the Danvers Y early and did a quick 5 mile run before swimming. It’s hard to get a run in when I go to the Andover Y because I would have to get up much earlier or run later, neither of which is very appealing. I still need to get to the Y just a little bit earlier as I ran out of time swimming and only managed to get in 2500 yards.

Weight: 165.5

Ironman Lake Placid

Long Time Short Run

Went for a short run with Julie today. She is still in recovery mode after her impressive Boston Marathon performance.

Julie Marathon Time

Did a short 5 miles at a pretty easy pace to try and loosen up her legs. No rest for the weary! IMLP is only 94 days away!

Weight: 164.25

Ironman Lake Placid

Friday Run and Saturday Ride

Yesterday afternoon the weather was so nice, I went out for a run, did just under 10 miles.

The usual Sunday ride was moved up to this morning because we are expecting rain for tomorrow morning, may still go out tomorrow afternoon for another ride, depends on the weather. Very windy out there today, 16 mph gusts according to the weather channel and pretty chilly. Not exactly a nice day for a ride, I would have rather it been warm and been lost out there like last week over cold and windy and knowing where I was. Fell on the bike today, well, fell over in the driveway. This is the second time now, maybe I should go get some bicycling 101 lessons!

At least I remembered to calibrate the power meter this weekend before the ride. Averaged about 200 Watts for the ride with an average speed of 17.4 which feels about right because of the wind. I think normally that power output would have put me in the 18mph range.

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

Cold and miserable

Cold and miserable, pretty much describes my run this morning. Going out I didn’t think it was going to be too bad because it just seemed to be raining lightly on the drive to the gym. Once I got out on the road though, the wind was driving it right at me and along with the cold, it just sucked. On the way back someone driving a car decided that I wasn’t wet or cold enough so I got a wave of water thrown at me as the car went through a puddle on the street. I saw it coming and just couldn’t get far enough away. Up until that point my feet were feeling ok, but after that they were just soaked. That’s when I decided to cut the run short. I hate runnning when my feet squish.

Weight: 164

Ironman Lake Placid

Easy Run

My legs have pretty much recovered from the half-marathon, but I still took it pretty easy today and did just over 7 miles for an hour run. Kind of chilly out this morning, hands were cold. After yesterday morning when it is practically 60 when I got up this was kind of disappointing. Warmer weather is on the way though!

Weight: 165.75


Great Bay Half-Marathon

Had a good run today at the Great Bay half-marathon. Wasn’t sure how it was going to go because I haven’t been running as much as I did last year to get ready for it. I’ve been on the bike a lot more and in the pool, but that doesn’t always translate to better running. So I was pretty happy to see that I was only 9 seconds off my time from last year.

The rest of the Ironman group came out today for the race today and had some pretty good times, especially when you consider they were on their bikes for 3 hours and 30 minutes the day before! I’d have to say the most impressive performance of the day was Brian for coming out just 6 days after crushing two fingers and having 6 pins put in his hand. That would have been excuse enough for me to stay home and watch tv!

Weight: 165

Ironman Lake Placid

The run report

Went out on the usual Wednesday morning run with Julie. We have been doing 7 miles for the past couple of weeks now. Usually do about and 8:15 pace. At mile 2 there is a pretty good hill and I usually push up it pretty hard and then slowly jog while Julie catches up on the downhill. Well, today I got to the bottom of the hill and look back and Julie is WAY FAR BACK!!!! What is up with that? I guess maybe her legs are still tired from the 20 miler she did on saturday.

That was the last run before the half-marathon this Sunday. I should be ok, I’m thinking I will do between 8 and 8:15 pace for the half. Of course, that depends on the weather and conditions, there are predictions of snow coming in for Friday and part of the half-marathon is on a dirt road. That could get pretty ugly if it is a lot of rain/snow.

Weight: 165.5

Ironman Lake Placid

Short Run

Did a short run with Julie today to help her finish up her 20 mile training run for the Boston Marathon. We held a 8:40 pace for the 6.5 miles, not bad for her considering she had already done 13.5.

Weight: 165.6

Ironman Lake Placid

The running zone

Out for a run this morning with Julie. We pretty much ran the entire 7 mile loop at Julie’s pace. There is a hill on the loop just as we start mile 3 and I pushed it there and she dropped back a bit, but caught back up on the downhill. This was a pretty easy run, heart rate stayed below 150 for the most part except for the few little hills. My wednesday morning run is going to have to start early though so I can get a couple more miles in next week.

It’s time to start adding on some more running or rather longer runs to the plan. Last week was a total of 11 hours training, not bad, but only about 1 hour and 45 minutes of it was running.

Weight: 167